Albuquerque has a crime problem. Homelessness, drugs, and a broken system have created a dangerous environment for our neighborhoods and small businesses. As a retired law enforcement officer, I understand the needs of the police community and have dedicated my life to public safety. A lot has changed for the worse since I left law enforcement. Our officers' hands are tied and our laws do not protect their daily sacrifice of putting on the uniform and protecting our streets.
We need tougher laws on the books to hold violent criminals accountable, we need to stop the endless and careless revolving door for repeat offenders, and we must provide alternative solutions to those who need it, including rehabilitation and mental health services.
New Mexico businesses have been crippled by out-of-control government regulation and red tape. Our business owners know how to create jobs and economic opportunity, not the government. In order for businesses big and small to start, grow, or relocate to New Mexico, Santa Fe needs to fix the broken and outdated tax code, cut regulations so it is easier to start a business, and create safe streets so businesses feel confident to operate. Every New Mexican wants a good paying job and their children to stay and thrive in the state we love.
The answer to a healthy economy is not more government, it is less.
As New Mexico continues to rank dead last in education, Santa Fe continues to throw money at the failing Public Education Department. Today, progressive democrats are excluding parents from the classroom and barring them from input regarding their minor child's health decisions. Parents deserve to know what is being taught in public schools and included in every major decision regarding their child.
School choice is the only answer for New Mexico's parents and students. Your taxpayer dollars should be directly invested in your child and you should have a choice in where and how they learn. This means that your zip code does not bind you to a failing school district. When parents are involved in their child's education, the student performs better and our state reaps the rewards of their success.